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Accommodation options for medical tourists

When traveling abroad for treatment, it is considered essential that you have convenient accommodation where you can stay before and after treatment to relax, unwind and recover in comfortable surroundings.

Many hotels around the world cater to those traveling overseas for treatment, and include deals and specific packages for medical tourists.




Ambulance Services

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Air ambulance services

The demand for medical repatriation services has grown enormously over the past decade as a result of an increase in foreign travel and the rise in holidays to exotic locations and adventure holidays.

Air ambulance crews are given equipment such as ventilators and CPR equipment, enabling them to provide medical treatment to a critically injured or ill patient.

Demand for air ambulance services is expected to rise owing to an ageing population with increased disposable income.

A guide to medical travel insurance

Insurance for medical travellers is a developing area within medical tourism. New medical travel insurance products have begun to appear. Many are aimed either at UK or US based medical travellers. We provide an overview of those products that are widely available to people travelling for treatment. Other products are on offer or are being developed which are only available from the medical tourism agency or hospital that you book with. Some medical tourism agencies and hospitals offer their own cost-over run insurance.

Our guide to medical travel insurance helps the medical tourist to understand why they need specialist travel insurance if they are travelling abroad for treatment. Medical travel insurance is travel insurance designed for the specific requirements and risks of medical travellers.


Insurance for
Medical Travellers

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